Every once in a while life seems to throw you a huge curve ball, such as a large medical bill or other unexpected burden. This often leads to a financial crisis where you simply do not have enough cash to meet all of your obligations. Fortunately, you have several reasonable options in this type of situation. This article looks of some ways to raise cash quickly when an emergency strikes.


If you own your automobile outright, you can often get a loan based on the value of the care or truck. Title loan firms will accept your car's title as the security for the loan. You do not have to turn over your car and can continue to drive the vehicle while you are repaying the loan. If you own a motorcycle, you might be able to get a loan based on the value of the motorcycle and avoid putting your car at risk.

Retirement Account  

If you have a retirement account at work, this could be the ticket to solving your cash problems. For example, if you have a 401(k) through your employer, ask if they have a loan provision. If they do, take out just enough to meet the current emergency and pay it back as soon as possible. Of course, taking funds from a retirement account is not ideal, but it can be a lifesaver in a difficult situation.  

Debt Renegotiation 

Another interesting method of freeing up some cash is to negotiate with your creditors. If you are able to obtain more favorable terms, then you will obviously have a greater amount of available income to deal with the immediate monetary crisis. Call any credit cards companies where you have an outstanding balance and ask if they will reduce your interest rate. If they agree, this will lower your monthly payments and free up some cash. 

Payday Loan 

Another possibility is to apply for a payday loan. The lender will loan you money and you will pay the loan back when you get your next paycheck. If you are not able to repay the loan in full when you are paid by your employer, some payday loan lenders will give you the option of rolling the loan over until your next pay period. To learn more about payday loans, contact a company like 1st Choice Money Center

Financial emergencies are very distressing, but there's no need to panic. Assess the situation calmly and choose the financial option that is right for you.  
